Friday, November 20, 2009

Wodering About Why

Why? is a very good question. Everything has a why, and also a who, what and a when, but why is the best of them. For example a why question I had yesterday was: Why are there 2 boys looking over my shoulder? i asked them this (the boys being younger boys who live on my block), they, getting slightly embarassed at being caught, asked me a question in return: "Why are you not on your own email?" which then the little bro of the girl's email i was on said "Does ari (his sister, whose house i was at) know about this." Not the best example but as you can see, why is an awsome word. If you don't believe me try this: go out into your big wide world and spend a day with out once asking why. It's hard, and very boring. The next day ask why about everything and use your own imagination to come up with answers. Life is much more interesting this way!

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