Sunday, November 22, 2009


Enjoy the vid I made. The part at the beginning is awesome.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wodering About Why

Why? is a very good question. Everything has a why, and also a who, what and a when, but why is the best of them. For example a why question I had yesterday was: Why are there 2 boys looking over my shoulder? i asked them this (the boys being younger boys who live on my block), they, getting slightly embarassed at being caught, asked me a question in return: "Why are you not on your own email?" which then the little bro of the girl's email i was on said "Does ari (his sister, whose house i was at) know about this." Not the best example but as you can see, why is an awsome word. If you don't believe me try this: go out into your big wide world and spend a day with out once asking why. It's hard, and very boring. The next day ask why about everything and use your own imagination to come up with answers. Life is much more interesting this way!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I'm really upset. The tree next door to my house got cut down. FOR NO REASON! My brother was so upset/mad/sad/angry/frustrated that he started his own blog (now he just needs to remember to turn his light off…). I'm just venting now.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Quote of the day

Today the funniest thing I heard today was......"Rex, stop licking the ceiling!" I think only Emma and Nina know what that this, but until one of us tell you or something just laugh at the absurdity of it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Is Google Making Us Stupid?"

The question above is a very good one. The topic is explored in this article which I think you guys should read. I'm afraid what is in the article is true.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I <3 CAMPING!!!!!!

I absolutly love camping, I have decided. I went camping this past weekend and had an awsome time. I guess part of that is that my other two friends came, so it was me, my dad, ari, and her dad, and anna, with her dad. I love it when it's nighttime and all the stars are out, it might be a little cold so we are all around the campfire, talking. I saw about 7 or 8 shooting stars and 1 star that had an awsomely long tail and everything. I believe everyone should go camping at least once a year. People today, are too absorbed in city life nowandays. Next summer I'm going to this camp called Widjiwagon, or Widji for short, or if you're anna, Willy Wonka camp (don't ask). Anyways me and anna want to go there next summer. It's in the middle of nowhere in northern minnesota and you spend a week at camp and another week canoeing and camping all across northern minnesota. My dad went there when he was a kid for alot of summers. I'm getting off topic here aren't I? Anyways I want you all to write back talking about your (if any) camping stories. Please, pretty please, comment.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Christie Road

here is a vid i made

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


These are some really hilarious cartoons which should be watched. Explore Home Star Runner it is a really cool and funny site.

Teen Girl Squad
Japanese Cartoon