Friday, April 8, 2011

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Imagine the United States say a hundred years in the future. What do you picture? A perfect society?  Well that's what Magdalena thinks she lives in.  To us. Not so much.  In this world love has been classified as a disease "amor deliria nervosa." Lena can't wait until her procedure just after her eighteenth birthday that will make her "immune" to love.  Until she meets Alex. She contracts a serious case of "amor deliria nervosa" and she doesn't even care. Alex helps her learn to think for herself and question the world she lives in.  Is love really a bad thing? The Invalids don't think so.  They're the people who live in the Wilds where the government can't get them and believe in a time when love was celebrated not feared. Will Lena and Alex make it together in a world where the government executes for sympathizing with Invalids? Or will their ending be as tragic as the old stories?  You have to find out on your own.

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